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Take a stroll just down the street from the Cozy River Houses for easy, gradual access to the famous Sol Duc River - the same river right behind the cabins where you can fish year-round.  The river boasts nice-size cutthroat trout, salmon and wild Steelhead!  

We are surrounded by world-class fishing in the waters of the Sol Duc, Hoh, Calawah, Bogachiel, and Quillayute rivers.  Fly fish or gear fish from the river bank, or enhance your odds in a drift boat with a experienced local fishing guide.  There's also adventurous saltwater fishing in the Pacific Ocean or Straits of Juan de Fuca for salmon, ling cod and halibut! 

World-Class Fishing River & Ocean Fishing!
Fishing License Info

Guided Fishing Trips

Increase your odds of catching fish by covering more water with a professionally guided river or ocean fishing trip!

Since some of the best fishing is from a boat or raft, not to mention the spectacular scenery and wildlife seen on a boat, we'll help get you setup with a recommended, reputable, licensed and insured local fishing guide.  

Let us know the type of fishing experience you'd like by completing the Fishing Trip Request and we'll do the leg-work to find an available professional local guide to match your request and help you catch fish!  

Trip Duration:  Full Day (8hrs) or Half Day in Summer (4hrs)

River Boat Capacity: 2 Anglers per boat; Multiple boats secured for trips of 3+ anglers  

Ocean Charter Capacity: 5-6  Anglers per boat depending upon the type of fishing

Guide Provides: Drift Boat/Raft, Rods, Reels, Gear, Flies, Bait  

Angler Provides: License, Catch Record Card (CRC), Rain Gear, Waders, Snacks/Lunch, Camera

Pricing*: River Fishing $375-$500 per boat  |  Ocean Fishing $150-$400 per person


*Price range estimates. Actual pricing determined by fishing guide or ocean charter service.  Plus tax and gratuity.  

Can you fish in the river behind A Cozy River House cabins?

YES!  The Sol Duc River is famous for wild Steelhead, salmon and trout fishing.  Sitting on the back deck you may even see boats float by as they fish - often times catching a big one as they float by. Watch for the occasional fish jumping as they migrate to their spawning beds further up the river. There's year-round fishing - just check what's in season at the time of your visit!

Is there river access from the cabins?

The cabins are located high on the bank of the Sol Duc River and have amazing river views, but no direct river access.  There is gradual, easy river access just down the street from the cabin at a public boat launch and fishing area access.  The access area is within walking distance of the cabins.  Parking is permitted there as well with a Discover Pass.

Is there a place to rent fishing poles?

Although there is no place in the area to rent fishing poles, you can purchase fishing poles in Forks at Forks Thriftway/Outfitters.  Consider taking a guided fishing trip and the guide provides all of the necessary fishing gear!

Fishing License Info

Frequently asked questions about fishing answered by excerpts from the

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW) Pamphlet 

IMPORTANT:  Review all fishing information in the WDFW Pamphlet PRIOR to fishing.

Who needs a fishing license? Everyone age 15 and older. You do not need a license if you're fishing for common carp, crawfish, bullfrogs, smelt, or to collect relic shells.

Do children under the age of 15 need a fishing license?

Children under the age of 15 do not need a fishing license. However, if they are fishing for halibut, steelhead, salmon, sturgeon or Dungeness crab they are required to possess and complete a catch record card (CRC).  CRC's are available at no charge through internet license sales or your local DFW license dealer.

WDFW Sport Fishing Rules 2019-2020.PNG

What types of fish do I need a license to catch?

You need a license to fish for everything but carp, crawfish, bullfrogs, smelt or unclassified marine invertebrates (see seasons and limits). You also need a shellfish license to take anything classified under state shellfish regulations, including sea cucumbers, seaweed, and even squid. Check the latest Fishing in Washington Regulation Pamphlet for exact instructions.

Do I need a Catch Record Card (CRC) to legally fish for any specific species?

  • Yes. A person no matter what age is required to have a CRC on their person and complete the information for each required species as they are caught.

  • Species requiring entry on a CRC are halibut, steelhead, salmon, sturgeon, and Puget Sound Dungeness crab.

  • When a license is purchased via the internet it may take up to 10 days to receive your license purchase. If you plan on fishing within that time, you may wish to obtain your license through a local WDFW license dealer.

Book your stay at Cozy today!  360.374.4046

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